
Volunteers failing to comply with these archdiocesan regulations cannot serve in any ministry related to children and vulnerable adults. Should you have any questions, please contact us:

Recognizing that each individual is created by God, the Archdiocese of Miami is committed to the safety and well-being of its children and vulnerable adults and implements procedures to minimize risk and barriers and to build and foster a culture of safe environment.

The Archdiocese does not tolerate abuse or neglect of anyone. It will comply with all obligations of civil and canon law; it will promote healing where it is needed, provide education, training and guidance when it is appropriate, and endeavor to prevent any abuse of minors or vulnerable adults with firm justice and mercy towards all.

The Archdiocese of Miami maintains a dedicated hotline, (866) 802-2873, that is broadly advertised and available, with voice message capacity, 24/7, to receive calls from victims. A call received via the hotline is logged according to policy and immediately referred to the Victim Assistance Coordinator to contact the victim and offer assistance.

All allegations of sexual abuse by Church Personnel or on church premises shall be reported promptly to the Archdiocesan Contact Person. The Archdiocesan Contact Person shall immediately notify the Archdiocesan Attorney who will in turn notify the local State Attorney.

To enroll in the online Virtus course, please visit:

Take fingerprints. All of those involve in a Ministry MUST have their Fingerprints done.

Steps to Follow:

  • Please contact the Office to schedule your appointment.
  • You would need the instruction’s sheet which is on the next page or you can ask for it in the office.
  • You can also come in the Office and we can help you register. All the information provided its personal,
  • for that reason we do not register by the phone.
  • If you do not register online you cannot have your fingerprints done, even if you have an appointment
  • in the office.

Here is how to schedule a fingerprinting appointment:

  • When it is time for an applicant to be fingerprinted, direct them to log onto the
  • Applicants will create a secure username/password and enter the Fieldprint scheduling system.
  • In the Reason why you need to be fingerprinted screen; the applicant will select the web link:
    • I know my Fieldprint Code.
    • Volunteer Code for Appointments: FPAOMParishVol
    • Please note the access code IS case sensitive.
  • The applicant will provide their contact and demographic info. The information requested on the scheduling site is the information required by FDLE/FBI in order to process the criminal search. This is the same information required to be completed by the representative on “the old” ink hard cards.
  • From this point forward the website will prompt the representative for the required information to find a local collection facility and schedule an appointment. Instructions, directions, maps, and photos will all be provided directly online.
  • If the representative has any issues or questions, they may contact our customer service team at (800) 799-1067 or at
    They may also select the “Contact Us” link on the website.

Mass Schedule

Monday to Friday

6:00pm (Bilingual)

Weekend Masses

SAT: 4:00pm

SUN: 9:00am


SAT: 3:15pm

SUN: 8:30am